Tutors-on-Call is a professional tutoring academy that offers programs for students of all ages and levels. Our tutors are professionals and are trained to give you the very best instruction. We are known across Canada as an academy that has helped thousands of students reach their academic goals.
Clients choose us because:
1. Our tutors are professionals! They are either certified teachers or have extensive teaching experience.
2. Our tutors are reliable, accountable and take their lessons seriously.
3. We develop a personalized program that outlines what the student will be taught, objectives met and homework to be assigned on a week-to-week basis.
4. Monthly Progress Reports are provided detailing the skills covered that month, the student's progress and their marks.
5. We have systems in place for invoicing, cancellations and tutor placements.
6. Our tutors develop a set schedule to minimize the need for rescheduling and last minute cancellations.
7. We are in contact with the clients and tutors on a regular basis to ensure complete satisfaction.
8. We have effective materials to help students learn essential skills
9. Our lessons take place in the student’s home and are based around the student's availability.
10. The student will continue with the same tutor throughout the program.
Contact us today at 1-866-500-7303 to speak to our Educational Consultant or visit our website www.tutors-on-call.com